Thursday, November 14, 2024

Undumped Video Game Prototypes

Here's a list of of video games that were either cancelled, unreleased or heavily reworked into other games that I would like to see their Prototypes/pre-release builds made publicly available on the internet:

Capcom Fighting All-Stars (salvaged as Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution)

Conker's Quest/Twelve Tales: Conker 64 (reworked into Conker's Bad Fur Day)

Donkey Kong Racing

Dragon King: The Fighting Game (early prototype of Super Smash Bros.)

Grand Theft Auto (Sega Saturn port)

Grand Theft Auto 64 (Nintendo 64 port)

Kirby Bowl 64 (prototype of Kirby Air Ride)

Looney Tunes: Space Race (Nintendo 64 version)

Mega Man Mania/Mega Man Anniversary Collection (Game Boy Advance version)

Mega Man Legends 3

Mega Man Universe

Monica's Castle

Mother 3/Earthbound 64 (Nintendo 64)

Panel de Pon 64 (localized as Pokémon Puzzle League, allegedly included in Nintendo Puzzle Collection)

Project Dream/Dream: Land of Giants (SNES/N64 precursor to Banjo-Kazooie)

Psycho Soldier (Famicom port)

SegaSonic the Hedgehog (Sega 32X port)

Socks the Cat Rocks the Hill (Sega Genesis version, the SNES version is available)

Sonic Riders (Game Boy Advance version)

Super Mario Kart R (pre-release version of Mario Kart 64)

Super Paper Mario (GameCube version)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (3DO port)

Vic Viper

WWF No Mercy (Game Boy Color version)


Hidden Palace

Lost Media Wiki

Bishoujo Super Street Fighter II: Glamor Queen

After finding accidental engagement on Twitter by sharing Game Genie codes for Super Street Fighter II on the Sega Mega Drive, and 20 months of tile work, fixing and adding some sprites, changing PCM samples, trying to make certain aspects more arcade accurate, strenuous play testing of newly added features, among other changes, I present a combo ROM Hack where some of the fighters are replaced with more female characters from various franchises!

Creating this ROM Hack took a lot out of me. I consider it my magnum opus when it comes to ROM Hacking. I needed to develop my own method of inserting sprites in the ROM. Within 2 weeks, it received over 1,000 downloads on ROMHack Plaza. If this gets added to Fightcade, I would be in awe.

 Click here to go to the releases page for the download.


-Air Specials
-Charge Times are disabled (except for Turn Around Punches).
-Characters can be juggled. Once a juggle quota is reached, they fall down faster.
-Characters can back dash. Emily and Madonna can also forward dash. Emily can air dash.
-Wakeup can be delayed like in Ultra Street Fighter IV.
-Character and Stage Colors are changed.
-Special Cancel Window is increased by 2 frames.
-Challenge Modes can be played at faster speeds.
-A few moves' commands are changed to be easier to use, such as Tiger Knee.
-Numerous changes to hitboxes and frame data
-Some characters' moves behave differently.
-Interface Graphics, Backgrounds and Character Endings have several edits made to them.
-The Game Speed defaults to 3 Stars, like Hyper Fighting and Super Turbo.
-Arcade Mode's Character Select Screen plays Super Turbo's Character Select Music.
-Character Endings can be accessed on any difficulty.
-A lot of PCM samples, such as Guile's Sonic Boom voice clip are changed.
-Most of the music use different YM2612 instruments.
-All Arcade Ladder Arrangements are changed.
-A few edits were made to certain characters' AI.
-The intro sequence is edited to be shorter.
-A few aspects were made more Arcade accurate, such as Dictator's suplex reaction.
-The Debug Menu can be accessed by holding A or Mode, and selecting Options.
-Health persists between Elimination matches in Group Battle Mode.
-In Arcade Mode, stages can be chosen by the players in 2-player matches.
-The computer can control a player in Group Battle Mode by holding the Mode button.
-New moves, such as Zangief's Coconut Thunder and Sagat's Tiger Dive.
-Each character has 16 color palettes. The extra colors can be chosen by holding the Mode button.
-Projectiles are weakened overall, to make them less problematic to navigate around.
-The computer no longer damage cheats in Arcade Mode.